Big Box builders are not the only way to build, but they can be an effective way to reach a wider market with your services. Big Box builders exemplify the use of automated equipment, semi-skilled labor, structural steel and concrete. The construction process is relatively simple, with predictable results and minimal environmental impact. It has been estimated that the average construction project takes 11 times longer than needed, while using up to 25 times more resources than conventional construction. Here are the steps for successfully constructing a big box building.
Identify the Location
The first step in erecting a large building is determining the location. While it may seem obvious, you want to consider locations with access to utilities and other resources. You also want to know that the building will fit within your budget, as well as project timeline.
Site Plans
Building site plans are key to the success of any project. Understanding the layout ensures that all necessary measurements will be accurate. In addition, you can follow a detailed schematic to ensure that everything is placed in proper position and that there aren’t any problems with the foundation and structure. If a developer is planning to build a big box building, they may have already filed building plans with local governments and utilities before construction begins. It is also possible to save money by developing your own site plans, which are usually slightly smaller than the buildings you wish to construct.
Set Construction Site Conditions
The first step in planning a construction site is deciding on the construction area. You will need enough space to accommodate storage, loading and other activities, as well as meeting legal requirements and regulatory codes. The size of the building you are planning will also be a factor when setting conditions for the building’s support structure and any utilities that may be present at the time of construction.
Assemble the Crew
The size of the crew that is hired will be dependent upon the size of the building and how many of them are built in a single day. In general, there will be at least two supervisors who oversee sub-contractors, construction workers and moving crews. These people will be responsible for getting the structure built and making sure that everything goes smoothly during assembly.
Build the Foundation
The foundation should allow for proper drainage and prevent oversaturation from rain or ground water. The foundation should also provide for enough support for the structure, including secondary supports such as wood beams, lathe and flooring materials. The foundation can be constructed with concrete or some other type of footer, depending upon the location.
Start on the Roof
The roof is typically made with corrugated metal or plywood. It will also include channels to allow for installation of utilities, which requires engineers to install support beams to mount electrical conduits and other equipment.